online report 2015
Annual Report
In words
Financial highlights
Share information
Energy balance sheet
Foreword from the Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO
2025 strategy
Market Switzerland
Sales & Marketing
Generation and projects
Contribution to EBIT
Services for third parties: a key pillar of business
Market Italy
Trading in Milan
Contribution to EBIT
Other segments and activities
Group functions
Trading in Prague
Contribution to EBIT
Corporate Governance
Basic principles
Group structure and shareholders
Capital structure
Board of Directors
Executive Board of the Repower Group
Shareholders' rights of participation
Change of control and defensive measures
Information policy
Implementation of the ordinance against excessive compensation in listed stock companies
Events after the balance sheet date
Board of Directors
Dr Eduard Rikli
Dr Manfred Thumann
Dr Martin Schmid
Dr Rudolf Huber
Placi Berther
Claudio Lardi
Rolf W. Mathis
Roger Vetsch
Dr Myriam Meyer Stutz
Gerhard Jochum
Domenico De Luca
Peter Molinari
Executive Board
Kurt Bobst
Felix Vontobel
Stefan Kessler
Giovanni Jochum
Fabio Bocchiola
Compensation report
Compensation paid to the members of the Board of Directors
Compensation paid to the members of the Executive Board
Report of the statutory auditor on the compensation report
Financial Report
Consolidated financial statements of the Repower Group
Comments on the consolidated financial statements
Consolidated income statement
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated balance sheet
Changes in consolidated shareholders equity
Consolidated cash flow statement
1 Total operating revenue
2 Personnel expenses
3 Depreciation/amortisation and impairment
4 Financial result
5 Income taxes
6 Result per share
7 Tangible assets
8 Intangible assets
9 Disclosures of interests in other entities
10 Other financial assets
11 Inventories
12 Receivables
13 Securities and other financial instruments
14 Positive/negative replacement values for held-for-trading positions
15 Cash and cash equivalents
16 Share capital
17 Non-current financial liabilities
18 Pension fund obligation
19 Other provisions
20 Other current liabilities
21 Current financial liabilities
22 Prepaid expenses and accrued income/deferred income and accrued expenses
23 Transactions with related parties
24 Additional disclosures on financial instruments
Fair value hierarchy
25 Business combinations, disposals and liquidations
26 Assets and liabilities held for sale
27 Segment reporting
28 Contingent liabilities and warranty liabilities
29 Obligations under leasing arrangements
30 Events occurring after the balance sheet date
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Consolidated accounting principles
Summary of accounting and valuation principles
Accounting and valuation principles
Capital and enterprise value management
Risk management and financial risk management
Estimation uncertainty
Report of the auditors on the consolidated financial statements
Financial statements of Repower AG
Income statement
Balance sheet
Notes to the financial statements
1 Net sales
2 Depreciation/amortisation and impairment
3 Extraordinary, non-recurring or prior period income
4 Extraordinary, non-recurring or prior period expenses
5 Cash and cash equivalents and current assets with a stock exchange price
6 Trade receivables
7 Other receivables
8 Inventories and non-invoiced services
9 Financial assets
10 Intangible assets
11 Trade creditors
12 Short-term interest-bearing liabilities
13 Other current liabilities
14 Long-term interest-bearing liabilities
15 Other long-term liabilities
16 Provisions
17 Shareholders equity
Share capital
Treasury shares
Other information
Appropriation of retained earnings
Report of the auditors on the financial statements
Organisation Chart
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Online reports
Focus on the customers
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Financial Report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Report of the auditors on the consolidated financial statements
Annual Report
Financial Report
Consolidated financial statements of the Repower Group
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Consolidated accounting principles
Summary of accounting and valuation principles
Accounting and valuation principles
Capital and enterprise value management
Risk management and financial risk management
Estimation uncertainty
Report of the auditors on the consolidated financial statements
Financial statements of Repower AG
Organisation Chart
Focus on the customers