
7 Tangible assets

7 Tangible assets
  Power plants Grids Assets under construction Land and buildings Other Total
Gross values at 1 January 2014 912,420 732,171 103,241 129,752 53,880 1,931,464
Own costs capitalised - 325 6,966 - - 7,291
Additions 89 406 17,648 78 1,781 20,002
Disposals -1,728 -7,421 -3,311 -1,519 -4,259 -18,238
Reclassifications IFRS 5 - - - - - -
Reclassifications between asset classes 5,825 23,715 -29,795 -82 337 -
Translation differences -8,397 - -416 -860 -413 -10,086
Gross values at 31 December 2014 908,209 749,196 94,333 127,369 51,326 1,930,433
Accumulated depreciation and impairments at 1 January 2014 -442,192 -397,246 -85,532 -58,864 -29,380 -1,013,214
Depreciation -24,129 -17,776 - -1,967 -3,765 -47,637
Impairments - - - - - -
Disposals 1,721 5,357 3,286 1,072 4,129 15,565
Reclassifications IFRS 5 - - - - - -
Reclassifications between asset classes -23 4 - 82 -63 -
Translation differences 3,516 - 395 405 158 4,474
Accumulated depreciation and impairments at 31 December 2014 -461,107 -409,661 -81,851 -59,272 -28,921 -1,040,812
Net values at 31 December 2014 447,102 339,535 12,482 68,097 22,405 889,621
thereof security pledged for debts           2,635
Gross values at 1 January 2015 908,209 749,196 94,333 127,369 51,326 1,930,433
Own costs capitalised - 288 6,812 - - 7,100
Additions 187 1,350 14,934 297 1,194 17,962
Disposals -5,052 -5,574 -820 -1,872 -4,619 -17,937
Disposals from changes in consolidation - - -10,588 - - -10,588
Reclassifications IFRS 5 - -13,831 - -16,197 -279 -30,307
Reclassifications between asset classes 9,943 12,190 -21,154 -3,497 2,548 30
Translation differences -39,615 - -2,290 -4,047 -1,964 -47,916
Gross values at 31 December 2015 873,672 743,619 81,227 102,053 48,206 1,848,777
Accumulated depreciation and impairments at 1 January 2015 -461,107 -409,661 -81,851 -59,272 -28,921 -1,040,812
Depreciation -21,625 -18,094 - -1,438 -3,588 -44,745
Impairments -67,003 - - -7 - -67,010
Appreciations 5,568 - - - - 5,568
Disposals 5,022 4,798 - 498 4,248 14,566
Disposals from changes in consolidation - - 10,588 - - 10,588
Reclassifications IFRS 5 - 10,120 - 12,292 141 22,553
Reclassifications between asset classes -3,443 -60 - 3,496 -11 -18
Translation differences 16,450 - 2,154 1,933 764 21,301
Accumulated depreciation and impairments at 31 December 2015 -526,138 -412,897 -69,109 -42,498 -27,367 -1,078,009
Net values at 31 December 2015 347,534 330,722 12,118 59,555 20,839 770,768
thereof security pledged for debts           2,568

The pledged fixed assets were put up as collateral for the investment loans and mortgages as listed in Note 17.

Disposals of consolidated companies relate to the sale of Repower GuD Leverkusen GmbH Co. KG and Repower GuD Leverkusen Verwaltungs-GmbH (see Note 27).

Impairments losses and gains on tangible assets

Market conditions were highly volatile during the 2015 financial year. In the first six months this led to impairments, while an improvement in value drivers in the second half allowed a slight recovery. Below these developments are presented by segment:

Market Switzerland segment

In the first half of 2015 impairment losses of TCHF 15,649 were recognised on generation assets (hydropower). They applied to the Taschinas (TCHF 12,229), Ladral (TCHF 1,458) and Ferrera (TCHF 1,962) plants.

As in previous years, impairments were triggered by a steady deterioration in market conditions. There was another year-on-year decline in prices on the electricity market. Since electricity is traded all over Europe in euros, the Swiss National Bank's decision to lift the 1.20 floor on the EUR/CHF exchange rate on 15 January 2015 put additional pressure on the value of assets.

This was offset by the development of the Swiss franc, which in the second half of the year trended softer against the euro by comparison with the first six months. As a result there were impairment reversals on the Taschinas (TCHF 1,292), Ladral (TCHF 624) and Ferrera (TCHF 1,144) plants.

The Prettin and Lübbenau wind farms in Germany, located on the Elbe in Saxony-Anhalt and in southern Brandenburg around 25 kilometres to the west of Cottbus, are also included in this segment. There was an impairment loss of TCHF 1,222 on the Prettin wind farm. There was an impairment reversal of TCHF 2,508 on the Lübbenau wind farm.

Since both installations are subsidised under the EEG scheme, the primary value driver is the amount of wind. Both the impairment loss on the Prettin wind farm and the gain on the Lübbenau installation are directly connected with an adjustment to expectations of the amount of wind.

Individual generation assets are valued on the basis of their value in use calculated on a discounted cash flow basis. The value in use for the impaired assets comes to TCHF 92,954. WACC before tax for the impairment on the Prettin wind farm is 6.4 per cent. WACC for the impairment reversals on the Swiss generation assets is between 5.6 per cent and 5.7 per cent . WACC for Lübbenau is 8.0 per cent.

Market Italy segment

In the first half of 2015 an impairment charge of TEUR 21,723 was taken for the Teverola combined-cycle gas turbine plant. At the end of the year there was another impairment charge of TEUR 25,199. This is equivalent to TCHF 50,132.

The impairments were prompted by a decline in the clean spark spread combined with a drop in revenues from ancillary services. The clean spark spread is the theoretical gross margin earned by a combined-cycle plant on the sale of one unit of energy, containing only the costs of the fuel and the carbon certificates. All other costs have to be covered by the gross margin. The generation asset is valued on the basis of its value in use calculated on a discounted cash flow basis. The value in use comes to TCHF 99,996. WACC before tax is 9.7 per cent.

Neither impairment losses nor impairment reversals were recognised in the 2014 financial year.

Leased tangible assets

The net carrying amount of the motor vehicles held as part of the finance leasing agreement totalled TCHF 177 (previous year: TCHF 553) at the closing date. More information on finance leasing can be found in Note 29.