
27 Segment reporting

27 Segment reporting
  Market Switzerland Market Italy Other segments and activities and consolidation Group
Net sales from energy sales - third parties 542,014 1,149,165 142,867 1,834,046
Net sales from energy sales between segments 81,849 33,778 -115,627 -
Income from held for trading positions - third parties 14,926 -2,946 -8,034 3,946
Income from held for trading positions between segments -7,764 7,048 716 -
Own costs capitalised 6,964 - 136 7,100
Other operating income - third parties 44,975 2,216 3,314 50,505
Other operating income between segments 2,456 662 -3,118 -
Operating revenue 685,420 1,189,923 20,254 1,895,597
Energy procurement - third party -483,191 -1,030,945 -146,076 -1,660,212
Energy procurement between segments -33,616 -80,253 113,869 -
Operating expenses (without energy) - third parties -84,821 -67,432 -36,836 -189,089
Operating expenses (without energy) between segments -17,325 -8,938 26,263 -
Income before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) 66,467 2,355 -22,526 46,296
Depreciations -33,035 -12,630 -1,871 -47,536
Impairments -17,160 -50,132 -7 -67,299
Income before interest and taxes (EBIT) 16,272 -60,407 -24,404 -68,539
Financial income       11,533
Financial expenses       -82,197
Share of results of associates       -12,990
Income before taxes       -152,193
Headcount at 31 December 430 154 48 632
Tangible assets 606,570 138,606 25,592 770,768
Intangible assets 3,983 3,771 851 8,605
Investments in associates and partner plants 15,613 4,745 3,914 24,272
Total non-current assets 626,166 147,122 30,357 803,645
Investments in tangible and intangible assets 15,755 2,172 1,970 19,897
  Market Switzerland Market Italy Other segments and activities and consolidation Group
Net sales from energy sales - third parties 667,154 1,413,750 150,245 2,231,149
Net sales from energy sales between segments 145,402 90,967 -236,369 -
Income from held for trading positions - third parties -1,714 18,330 -16,398 218
Income from held for trading positions between segments 4,804 -3,359 -1,445 -
Own costs capitalised 7,291 - - 7,291
Other operating income - third parties 26,633 2,769 4,490 33,892
Other operating income between segments 2,911 460 -3,371 -
Operating revenue 852,481 1,522,917 -102,848 2,272,550
Energy procurement - third party -556,672 -1,284,839 -149,772 -1,991,283
Energy procurement between segments -116,526 -119,050 235,576 -
Operating expenses (without energy) - third parties -93,166 -71,253 -40,308 -204,727
Operating expenses (without energy) between segments -20,119 -10,323 30,442 -
Income before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) 65,998 37,452 -26,910 76,540
Depreciations -33,338 -14,682 -2,625 -50,645
Impairments - - - -
Income before interest and taxes (EBIT) 32,660 22,770 -29,535 25,895
Financial income       3,116
Financial expenses       -44,353
Share of results of associates       -6,467
Income before taxes       -21,809
Headcount at 31 December 357 160 149 666
Tangible assets 635,751 222,068 31,802 889,621
Intangible assets 5,102 4,131 1,143 10,376
Investments in associates and partner plants 25,751 4,931 4,184 34,866
Total non-current assets 666,604 231,130 37,129 934,863
Investments in tangible and intangible assets 18,243 2,836 1,547 22,626

As of the 2015 financial year the sales and generation activities in Germany previously recognised under other segments and activities, and the project to build a merchant line between Val Bregaglia (Bergell) and Valchiavenna, previously recognised in the Market Italy segment, have been recognised in the Market Switzerland segment. The comparative figures for the prior period were adjusted retroactively.

Information by product

  2015 2014
Power, inclusive considerations for energy transmission 1,485,646 1,757,718
Gas 266,028 379,697
Other 86,318 93,952
Net sales 1,837,992 2,231,367

Information by country

The information on income from external customers broken down by country can be found in the tables above. The non-current assets are allocated to the location of the accounting entity. They do not contain financial instruments or deferred tax assets.

LaNon-current assets

  31.12.2015 31.12.2014
Switzerland 622,738 664,843
Italy 147,552 231,606
Other countries 33,355 38,414
Total 803,645 934,863

Customers with a share of revenue of more than 10 per cent

In the year under review the Repower Group had no individual customer with a share of net sales of more than 10 per cent.