Claudio Lardi (b. 1955)
Swiss citizen; lic. iur., lawyer
Member of the Board since 2011
- Secretary-general of an international hotel and restaurant holding company (1986–96)
- Lawyer, until 1998
- Member of the Executive Council of Canton Graubünden (1999–2010)
Material ACTIVITIES AND indication of interest
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- President of the Hilton Ray Hartmann Foundation
- Member of the boards of directors of and Oleodotto del Reno SA
Permanent positions with important interest groups
- Member for Switzerland of the Consulta Culturale Italia Svizzera
- Chairman of Caritas Graubünden
- Chairman of the Board of Education of the Education Centre for Health and Social Affairs, Chur
- Chairman of historic RhB