
1 Total operating revenue

1 Total operating revenue
  2015 2014
Revenue from energy sales 1,834,046 2,231,149
Result from held-for- trading positions 3,946 218
Total net revenue 1,837,992 2,231,367
Own costs capitalised 7,100 7,291
Gain from the sale of tangible assets 1,102 1,800
Revenue from other operating activities 1) 49,403 32,092
Other operating income 50,505 33,892
Total 1,895,597 2,272,550

1) Revenues from other operating activities primarily comprise income from services rendered not stemming from Repower's core business. In the 2015 financial year, this item included income of TCHF 5,213 arising in connection with the termination of a contract and a gain of TCHF 3,105 on the disposal of Repower GuD Leverkusen GmbH & Co. KG and Repower GuD Leverkusen Verwaltungs-GmbH (see Note 25).