- Repower generated total operating revenue of CHF 1,896 million in 2015 (down 17% on the previous year).
- Operating income (EBIT) came to CHF - 69 million; the result was a net loss of CHF 136 million.
- EBIT was hit hard by impairments, notably on the Teverola combined-cycle gas turbine plant, coupled with various provisions. Extremely challenging market conditions, with another decline in energy prices and a strong franc, also had a massive impact on results.
- Thanks to its know-how in generation, grids, trading and sales, in 2015 Repower was again able to deliver numerous contracts for third parties. It intends to step up efforts in this area even more.
- Repower's strategic realignment − restructuring to create a sales and service organisation, generating 100 per cent renewable energy, and focusing on the Swiss and Italian markets − is a response to radical changes in the energy market. Details on the 2025 strategy.