
19 Other provisions

19 Other provisions
  Reversion provisions Litigations and court proceedings Dismantling provisions Provisions for onerous contracts Other provisions Total
Other current provisions 472 1,574 - 616 1,118 3,780
Other non-current provisions 13,028 1,563 2,596 5,752 1,664 24,603
At 31 December 2014 13,500 3,137 2,596 6,368 2,782 28,383
Additions 54 309 - 2,547 5,219 8,129
Utilizations -487 -628 - -42 -819 -1,976
Reversals of provisions - -1,349 - -841 -5 -2,195
Interests 433 - 27 1,090 - 1,550
Reclassifications «held for sale» - - - 42 14 56
Translation differences - -337 -195 - -250 -782
At 31 December 2015 13,500 1,132 2,428 9,164 6,941 33,165
Expected maturity up to 1 year 472 374 - - 3,723 4,569
Other current provisions 472 374 - - 3,723 4,569
Expected maturity in more than 1 year 13,028 758 2,428 9,164 3,218 28,596
Other non-current provisions 13,028 758 2,428 9,164 3,218 28,596

Reversion provisions

Reversion provisions have been set aside for the extensive deliveries of free energy to the municipality of Poschiavo.

Provisions for onerous contracts

Provisions were recognised for onerous energy procurement contracts. The creation of the provision in the amount of TCHF 2,547 (previous year: 6,416) and the release in the amount of TCHF 841 (previous year: TCHF 0) were recognised under energy procurement in the Market Switzerland segment.

Other provisions

Repower has a sub-participation in the Gösgen nuclear power plant, from which it purchases electricity. In the 2015 financial year Repower recognised a provision of TCHF 3,000 in anticipation of the charge for the pro-rata valuation difference for the plant's decommissioning fund. The provision was recognised under energy procurement in the Market Switzerland segment. Taken individually, the other components of the other provisions item are immaterial.