Repower in Teverola
The 400-MW gas-fired combined-cycle power plant in Teverola has been in operation since 2006. The plant contributes to electricity supply and energy security in southern Italy and sometimes even is the destination for a family Sunday trip.
Repower's “Lago Bianco” project took a major step forward in 2010, thanks to intensive cooperation with environmental organisations and local authorities: the municipalities involved agreed to the granting of the concessions. We also made significant progress with other projects aimed at strengthening our own generation base. Among other things, we succeeded in considerably boosting our wind power generation capacity.
Group trading and sales activities are based to a large extent on the strength of our generation base. One of the strategic goals of the Repower Group is therefore to expand our own power plant capacity in all key markets and make use of a wide range of technologies. Substantial progress was made in driving forward a number of projects in 2010.