Creating a supportive marketplace
All eyes are on energy policy, both in Switzerland and internationally. But if over-regulation is not to put hydropower in the shade, the political debate on the future of energy cannot afford to ignore market mechanisms.
In 2014 Repower prepared to withdraw from the retail sales business in Germany. In persistently challenging conditions, the company saw no prospect of posting positive results in the coming years operating as an innovative but small niche player on the German market. Continued customer care is assured, and energy deliveries and contracts will be performed at the agreed terms. The decision to withdraw from Germany does not affect the Leverkusen power generation project, Repower's two wind farms in Prettin (Saxony-Anhalt) and Lübbenau (Brandenburg), the wholesale business with energy suppliers and industrial customers (which is run from Switzerland) or trading on the German market.
The project to build a combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant in Leverkusen made further progress in the year under review. In March Repower selected the GE/Iberdrola consortium as the preferred bidder for the supply and construction of the plant. The relevant contracts were signed around new year. Planning continues.
The combined heat and power (CHP) plant will generate electricity and steam for the industrial facilities at the CHEMPARK chemical industry site in Leverkusen. The highly efficient facility will play an important role in the future of energy and efforts to meet the German federal government's carbon reduction and energy efficiency targets.