
22 Information about net current assets for the cash flow statement

22 Information about net current assets for the cash flow statement
  2014 2013
Change in net-current assets    
Change in inventories 7,469 5,086
Change in receivables 3,442 1,946
Change in income tax receivables 5,717 8,998
Change in prepaid expenses and accrued incomes 517 -178
Change in income tax liabilities -4,573 2,068
Change in other current liabilities 28,078 -29,754
Change in current provisions 3,031 -570
Change in deferred incomes and accrued expenses -15,011 4,354
Change in replacement values, held for trading positions 8,577 -8,966
Change in securities and other financial instruments -189 1
Change in net-current assets held for sale 705 4,861
Total change in net-current assets for cash flow purposes 37,763 -12,154

Prepaid expenses and accrued incomes

  31.12.2014 31.12.2013
Prepaid expenses and accrued incomes 5,136 5,749
Non-financial assets 4,818 5,213
Prepayment of energy and transport rights 142 51
Other prepaid expenses 4,676 5,162
Financial assets 318 536
Other accrued incomes 318 536

Deferred incomes and accrued expenses

  31.12.2014 31.12.2013
Deferred income and accrued expenses 24,696 40,550
Non-financial liabilities 2,768 253
Other deferred incomes 2,768 253
Financial liabilities 21,928 40,297
Accrued interests 5,688 4,265
Accrued annual leave and overtime 6,968 7,982
Accrued other personnel expenses 2,960 3,730
Accrued capital, other taxes, charges and levies 5,564 5,411
Other accrued expenses 748 18,909

The financial assets under prepaid expenses and accrued incomes are allocated to the category other financial receivables, and financial liabilities under deferred incomes and accrued expenses are allocated to the category other financial liabilities. They are measured at amortised cost and are due within one year. The fair values have been taken as the carrying amounts.