- Total operating revenue generated by the Repower Group rose by 11 per cent to CHF 2,523 million.
- Repower posted operating income (EBIT) of CHF 130 million, which is a good result for the sector and considering the difficult environment.
- Group profit amounted to CHF 54 million (- 30 % compared to the prior year).
- Major contributors to these good results were trading business in Switzerland and Italy plus sales in Italy.
- Repower made key advances in strategic projects: commissioning of the Taschinas hydropower plant (Switzerland), start of construction for the Lucera wind farm (Italy), and the concession application for the Lagobianco pumped storage power plant (Switzerland).
- Sales of electricity and gas to end customers increased significantly.
- Since July 2011, the company has also been operating in Romania under the Repower name and corporate identity.
Felix Vontobel, Head of Assets: "The Lagobianco project reached an important milestone with the submission of the request for concession approval to the Graubünden cantonal government."
Giovanni Jochum, Head of Market: "Our trading experts used their skills to take advantage of the few opportunities in electricity and gas trading."