In words


  • Total operating revenue
    In the first half of 2014, the Repower Group generated total operating revenue of CHF 1.2 billion, virtually unchanged from the prior year.
  • EBIT and group profit
    The operating result (EBIT) was a respectable CHF 32 million (- 26 % year-on-year). Exchange rate losses as well as losses at associates and from interest rate swaps impacted group profit, which was close to CHF 4 million (- 86 % year-on-year).
  • Efficiency programme
    In the first half of 2014, Repower implemented additional measures aimed at optimising costs and boosting efficiency. In addition, the company is withdrawing from its sales business in Germany.
  • Lagobianco, Chlus and Leverkusen
    Repower made important progress in these generation projects, which speaks for the quality of the work performed. The current regulatory and economic conditions do not allow for a decision in favour of proceeding with the construction of Lagobianco and Chlus, however.
  • BeSmart, eFFettiva and VAMPA
    These are some of Repower's innovative solutions in the areas of energy efficiency and new technologies.