Consolidated income statement

Consolidated income statement

Consolidated income statement
  01.01.-30.06.2012 1.1.-30.06.2013
CHF thousands unaudited unaudited
Net sales 1,148,912 1,173,650
Own costs capitalised 7,266 6,827
Other operating income 12,270 14,165
Total operating revenue 1,168,448 1,194,642
Energy procurement -975,482 -1,016,044
Concession fees -8,624 -8,600
Personnel expenses -44,893 -43,712
Material and third parties services -15,110 -15,802
Other operating expenses -45,239 -39,242
Income before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortisation 79,100 71,242
Depreciation/amortisation and impairment -26,605 -27,972
Income before interest and income taxes 52,495 43,270
Financial income 1,176 16,988
Financial expenses -19,548 -13,403
Share of results of associates and partner plants 1,122 -128
Income before income taxes 35,245 46,727
Income taxes -16,286 -17,370
Group profit including minority interests 18,959 29,357
Share of group profit attributable to Repower shareholders and participants 18,951 28,045
Share of group profit attributable to minority interests 8 1,312
Earnings per share (undiluted) 5.58 8.27
There are no factors resulting in a dilution of earnings per share.