
Energy balance sheet

Energy balance sheet
Electricity business in GWh 2015 2014 Change
Trading 11,560 11,153 +4%
Supply/sales 5,782 5,945 -3%
Pumps, own use, losses 341 325 +5%
Electricity sales 17,683 17,423 +1%
Trading 14,894 14,770 +1%
Own generation 1,701 1,471 +16%
Energy from participations 1,088 1,182 -8%
Electricity procurement 17,683 17,423 +1%
Gas business in 1,000 m3      
Sales to end customers 235,599 222,580 +6%
Trading (sales) 919,752 710,906 +29%
Held for trading 1,309,715 1,187,975 +10%
Gas sales 2,465,066 2,121,461 +16%
Consumption of Teverola gas-fired power plant (Italy) 174,045 119,312 +46%