
17 Shareholders' equity

17 Shareholders’ equity
  31.12.2015 31.12.2014*
Share capital 2,783,115 shares at a par value of 1 CHF per share 2,783 2,783
Participation capital 625,000 participation certificates at a par value of 1 CHF per share 625 625
Share capital 3,408 3,408
Capital reserves 19,871 19,871
Retained earnings 17,123 17,123
Other reserves 1) 561,961 541,961
Reserves 598,955 578,955
Retained earnings carried forward 35,602 38,218
Net income for the year -98,978 17,384
Retained earnings -63,376 55,602
Equity 538,987 637,965

1) At the Annual General Meeting held on 29 April 2015, an allocation to other reserves of MCHF 20 was approved.