
8 Intangible assets

8 Intangible assets
  Goodwill Customer relations Other Total
Gross values at 1 January 2014 332 15,726 26,235 42,293
Own costs capitalised - - - -
Additions - - 2,624 2,624
Disposals - - -409 -409
Reclassifications between asset classes - - - -
Translation differences -7 -364 -92 -463
Gross values at 31 December 2014 325 15,362 28,358 44,045
Accumulated amortisation and impairments at 1 January 2014 - -12,910 -18,335 -31,245
Amortisation - -389 -2,619 -3,008
Impairments - - - -
Disposals - - 222 222
Translation differences - 310 52 362
Accumulated depreciation and impairments at 31 December 2014 - -12,989 -20,680 -33,669
Net values at 31 December 2014 325 2,373 7,678 10,376
Gross values at 1 January 2015 325 15,362 28,358 44,045
Own costs capitalised - - - -
Additions - - 1,935 1,935
Disposals -289 - -3,859 -4,148
Reclassifications IFRS 5 - - -130 -130
Reclassifications between asset classes - - -30 -30
Translation differences -36 -1,542 -452 -2,030
Gross values at 31 December 2015 - 13,820 25,822 39,642
Accumulated amortisation and impairments at 1 January 2015 - -12,989 -20,680 -33,669
Amortisation - -342 -2,449 -2,791
Impairments -289 - - -289
Disposals 289 - 3,833 4,122
Reclassifications IFRS 5 - - 15 15
Reclassifications between asset classes - - 18 18
Translation differences - 1,303 254 1,557
Accumulated depreciation and impairments at 31 December 2015 - -12,028 -19,009 -31,037
Net values at 31 December 2015 - 1,792 6,813 8,605

In the year under review there was an impairment charge of TCHF 289 for goodwill at the Prettin wind farm. The value of the goodwill after impairment is CHF 0. Neither impairment losses nor impairment reversals were recognised the previous year.