As an internationally-oriented electricity company with strong regional roots, sustainability management is close to Repower’s heart. We take responsibility for our business activities, the environment and society.

As an internationally-oriented electricity company with strong regional roots, sustainability management is close to Repower’s heart. We take responsibility for our business activities, the environment and society. We have published an account of our diverse engagement in a separate sustainability report based on the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The 2020 sustainability report, the first to be published, has a particular focus on the Repower Switzerland business segment.
Below we present two examples of our diverse sustainability-relevant activities in even more detail in separate features, in which we also make reference to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. These are sustainability goals in the framework of which we contribute as a company and through our core services to society. In the near future we will also be publishing an account of our diverse engagement in a separate sustainability report based on the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Sustainability in practise:
special features
Our certificates
Seals of quality for sustainable management

Sustainable Development Goals
In our role as an international energy company we work for the UN’s sustainability goals in alignment with our corporate strategy.