Market Italy segment
Repower Italy is also on track, with positive results in all areas of business. Among other things this is because gas prices on the Italian market were as low as at any time since 2016. The low price of raw materials had a positive impact on results at the Teverola combined cycle gas turbine plant. On the retail (sales) side the customer base continues to grow, and margins on the electricity and gas business have been better than expected.

Repower Renewable is now completely integrated with the business, with production above budget over the last six months, primarily thanks to good weather conditions for wind and solar power.
The Special Edition acquisition deals launched by Repower back in autumn 2018 continued to run successfully in the first half of 2019. The EGO Special Edition package, geared to new customers consuming between 50,000 and 200,000 m3 of gas per year, had been very well received in 2018, and was joined at the beginning of 2019 by the ZEROrischi Special Edition, targeting new customers consuming between 500,000 and 2,000,000 kWh per annum.
Repower launched not just one, but two advertising campaigns in the first half of 2019. “I’ve got Repower” is designed to strengthen Repower’s positioning and boost awareness of the brand. Based on the song “The Power” by Snap, the exciting TV spot is instantly recognisable. The aim is to reach a broader and more heterogeneous audience in an era of diversification. Another campaign, under the banner “Stop wasting time thinking about energy”, is addressed to commercial operators, self-employed people and small businesses, focusing on the new electricity flat rate Repower is offering via its new Energiaflat distribution channel. By enabling consumers to plan their energy costs, the flat rate helps them “stop wasting time thinking about energy”.
In March 2019 the third edition of Repower’s “White Paper” was presented to an audience of media representatives and people working around sustainable transportation. Each edition of the White Paper generates an even greater response, and the publication is now seen as the standard independent source for anyone wishing to gain an overview of this constantly evolving industry.
Since June 2019, Repower Italy has been active not only on LinkedIn, but on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well. We’ve adopted a fresh, informal style of communication to reach a broader audience in the SoHo (small offices, home offices) scene.
The Repowere, an electric boat presented at the last international boat fair in Genoa, is currently on a promotional tour through various Italian cities, harbours and bays. A day in the programme of the Riviera International Film Festival was devoted to the theme of working sustainably with the sea. In this setting Repower was able to stage a meeting with local entrepreneurs to raise awareness of electrically-powered nautical transportation.

In the first half of 2019 the Market Italy segment contributed operating income (EBIT) of CHF 40.1 million to Repower’s overall results (versus CHF 6.8 million in the 1st half of 2018).