Executive management*

Kurt Bobst (b. 1965)
Swiss citizen; federally certified controller
CEO since 2008
Previous senior positions
- Head of administration at SABAG Hägendorf (1985–92)
- Head of financial accounting at Atel (1992–95)
- Business consultant at PwC and A.T. Kearney (1995–2001)
- Head of management consulting at Pöyry, CEO of Pöyry Switzerland (2002–08)
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Vice chairman of the board of directors of Grischelectra AG
- Member of the boards of directors of Repartner Produktions AG and Enkom AG

Felix Vontobel (b. 1958)
Swiss citizen; dipl. Elektroingenieur FH
Since 1987: Kraftwerke Brusio (now Repower AG)
Since 1992: deputy director of Kraftwerke Brusio AG
From 2000 to 31 December 2017: member of the executive board and deputy CEO, COO
From 1 January 2018: strategic projects and mandates
Previous senior positions
- Commissioning engineer at BBC (ABB) (1982–85)
- Project manager and commissioning engineer for biotechnology research and production installations at Bioengineering AG (1985–87)
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Member of the boards of directors of EL.IT.E S.p.A., Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG and Swisscom Energy Solutions AG
Permanent positions with important interest groups
- Member of the management boards of the Swiss Water Management Association and the Association of Swiss Electricity Companies (VSE)

Brigitte Krapf (b. 1981)
Swiss citizen; FH degree in business and economics/bachelor of science in business administration, MAS in corporate finance,
CAS Swiss Certified Treasurer SCT®
Since 2014: Head of Treasury
Since 1 February 2017: member of the executive board and CFO (Head of Finance)
Previous senior positions
- Various roles at UBS AG (1997–2003)
- Clerk, St. Gallen cantonal unemployment bureau (2003–07)
- (Junior) corporate client advisor at UBS AG (St. Gallen, Zurich, New York and Chur) (2007–14)
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Vice-chairwoman of the board of directors of Swibi AG

Fabio Bocchiola (b. 1964)
Italian citizen; diploma in business administration, piano diploma from the conservatory in Brescia
Since 2002: Rezia Energia Italia S.p.A. (now Repower Italia S.p.A.)
Since 2010: member of the executive board
Head of Italy
Previous senior positions
- DALKIA, regional manager, Central and Southern Italy, with one year’s experience in France (1990–95)
- ASTER, assistant operations manager (1995–96)
- EDISON, key account manager (1996–99)
- EnBW, head of sales (2000–02)
Permanent positions with important interest groups
- President of ConTe Cooperativa Sociale
- Member of the Energia Concorrente Committee
- Member of the committee of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Italy

Samuel Bontadelli (b. 1979)
Swiss citizen; degree in electrical engineering, Executive MBA
From 2003: Asset Management, Transmission
From 2007: Head of Generation, Switzerland
From 2011: Head of Trading
From 1 January 2018 member of the executive board and COO (Head of Service Provision)
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Chairman of the board of directors of Repartner Produktions AG
- Member of the boards of directors of Swisscom Energy Solutions AG, AKEB and EL.IT.E S.p.a
- Managing Director of Mera S.r.l
- Member of various operating, financial and technical committees at Swiss partner plants
*Details of mandates are correct as of 31 December 2017.