Overview of the year

First sustainability report under GRI Standards


Repower published its first sustainability report in accordance with the internationally recognised GRI Standards along with the 2021 annual report.

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Among other things, Repower has used money from the naturemade star fund to rewild the Cavaglia plateau and enhance its ecology and landscape.

The Repower Group is making its sustainable evolution more transparent for members of the public and its shareholders. For the first time a sustainability report – in accordance with the internationally recognised GRI Standards – was published for Repower Switzerland and Repower Italy along with the 2021 annual report. The sustainability report for Repower Switzerland and Repower Italy is published annually. You’ll find the latest sustainability report (in german only) here.

Dr Monika Krüsi, chair of the board of directors: “Sustainability is not just a trend, but the future of the generations to come. Repower is aware that medium and long-term business success is only possible if nature and society are also adequately taken into account. Sustainability thus not only provides companies with a new guideline, but also offers them opportunities and possibilities. By publishing a sustainability report in accordance with the GRI Standards, we make sure that Repower’s sustainable governance and development is transparent and comprehensible to members of the public and investors.”

The sustainability report contains comprehensive information on various measures and investments that have been initiated and executed in Switzerland and Italy to facilitate the energy transition and create sustainable economic and financial value. The sustainability report also covers, among other things, information on operational sustainability management and the company’s commitment to promoting local communities.


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