Sustainability at Repower
As an internationally-oriented electricity company with strong regional roots, sustainability management is close to Repower’s heart. We take responsibility for our business activities, the environment and society.

Repower is an international company that aims to increase its profitability – but not just that. We’re also committed to providing secure jobs at decentralised locations and contributing to regional value creation. We recognise that an intact environment and a society geared to sustainability are the cornerstones of long-term business success.
These insights guide our actions on a day-to-day basis. Respect and responsibility for customers, partners and employees are also enshrined in our corporate values.
The two projects we’ve selected as examples in this annual report, one in Italy and one in Switzerland, show a small cross-section of our sustainability efforts at Repower. This is the first year we’ve published a sustainability report. In it we give an account of our activities around sustainable action. Repower now intends to publish an annual sustainability report in line with the GRI standards. This will make our company’s efforts towards a future worth living transparent and understandable.
Sustainability report (in German)
Sustainability in practice: special features
Our certificates
Seals of quality for sustainable management

Sustainable Development Goals
In our role as an international energy company we work for the UN’s sustainability goals in alignment with our corporate strategy.