18 Provisions
CHF thousand |
Provisions for onerous contracts |
Other risks |
Total |
Carrying value at 31 December 2020 |
20,929 |
1,812 |
22,741 |
thereof current |
6,702 |
736 |
7,438 |
thereof long-term |
14,227 |
1,076 |
15,303 |
Carrying value at 31 December 2021 |
17,288 |
3,871 |
21,159 |
thereof current |
6,413 |
1,527 |
7,940 |
thereof long-term |
10,875 |
2,344 |
13,219 |
Procurement contract risks
The decision on whether there is a threat of loss on a long-term sales or procurement contract and the resulting recognition of a provision essentially depends on the situation regarding the relevant contractual prices and expected procurement or sales prices.
At the end of the year under review, provisions for identifiable losses on procurement contracts for energy and guarantees of origin came to a total of CHF 17,288 thousand. Of this amount, CHF 15,567 thousand falls to procurement contracts for electricity and CHF 1,721 thousand to guarantees of origin. Provisions for onerous contracts for energy and guarantees of origin were adjusted via energy procurement and recognised as income.
Other risks
In the year under review other risks includes a provision for unrealised foreign exchange gains amounting to CHF 3,413 thousand (previous year: CHF 424 thousand).