Executive management*

Roland Leuenberger (b. 1968), CEO
Swiss citizen; lic. oec. publ.
Since April 2020 CEO
Since September 2019 interim CEO
Previous senior positions
- Member of the board of directors of Repower AG (2016–20) and chair of the audit committee of the board of directors of Repower AG (2016–19)
- Founding partner and member of the executive board of EVU Partners AG (2010–19)
- Founding partner and member of the executive board of Fontavis AG (2011–18)
- CEO of Co-Investor AG (2007–08)
- UBS AG, head of finance & controlling, Wealth Management International (2004–06)
- Various management roles at UBS AG (1996–2003)
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Vice-chair of the board of directors of Grischelectra AG
- Member of the board of directors of Wärmeverbund Laax AG
- Chair of the board of directors of EVUlution AG
- Mandate at an Italian subsidiary
Permanent positions with important interest groups
- Member of the management board of the Association of Swiss Electricity Companies (VSE)
- Designated member of the executive of the association Verband Bündner Energieversorgungsunternehmen (VBE) as of 2022 AGM

Dr Lorenzo Trezzini (b. 1968), CFO (Head of Finance & Services)
Swiss and Italian citizen; Dr. oec. publ., Federally Certified Public Accountant, degree in business specialising in corporate finance
From September 2020 member of the executive board and CFO (Head of Finance & Services)
Previous senior positions
- Group CFO of Carlo Gavazzi Group (March 2020 – August 2020)
- Group CFO of Implantica Group (2015–20)
- Project Management Finances Corporate Consultant (2013–15)
- Group CFO of Valora Group (2008–12)
- Group CFO of Valartis Group and Valartis Bank (2004–08)
- Investment Manager at Invision AG (2002–04)
- Transaction Support Manager, Due Diligence Team, EY (2001–02)
- Assistant & Manager in Audit, Deloitte (1994–2001)
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Mandate at an Italian subsidiary

Samuel Bontadelli (b. 1979), COO (Head of Service Provision) (until October 2021)
Swiss citizen; degree in electrical engineering, Executive MBA
From 2018 member of the executive board, COO (Head of Service Provision)
From 2011 Head of Trading
From 2007 Head of Generation Switzerland
From 2003 Asset Management, Transmission
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Chair of the board of directors of Repartner Produktions AG (until October 2021)
- Member of the board of directors of AKEB (until October 2021)
- Mandates at diverse Italian subsidiaries (until October 2021)
- Member of various operating, financial and technical committees at Swiss partner plants

Fabio Bocchiola (b. 1964), Head of Italy
Italian citizen; diploma in business administration, piano diploma from the Conservatory in Brescia
From 2010 member of the executive board, Head of Italy
From 2002 Rezia Energia Italia S.p.A. (now Repower Italia S.p.A.)
Previous senior positions
- EnBW, head of sales (2000–02)
- EDISON, key account manager (1996–99)
- ASTER, assistant operations manager (1995–96)
- DALKIA, regional manager, Central and Southern Italy, with one year's experience in France (1990–95)
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Mandates at various Italian subsidiaries
- Member of the board of directors of Planet Farms Italia Società Agricola S.r.l.
Permanent positions with important interest groups
- President of ConTe Cooperativa Sociale
- Vice-chair of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Italy
*Details of mandates are correct as of 31 December 2021.