Appropriation of retained earnings
The board of directors proposes the following appropriation of retained earnings to the annual general meeting:
Net earnings for the year 2021 |
20,426,676 |
Retained earnings carried forward |
78,059,937 |
Retained earnings |
98,486,613 |
Amount carried to other reserves |
- |
Balance carried forward |
98,486,613 |
The board of directors further moves that the annual general meeting approve a dividend of CHF 4.50 per registered share, to be paid from capital reserves:
Capital reserves carried forward |
139,990,657 |
Dividend on share capital of 7.4 million CHF 1) |
33,259,356 |
Capital reserves carried forward on the next year |
106,731,301 |
1) Qualifies as tax-neutral repayment of capital in accordance with Art. 20 of the Federal Law on Direct Federal Tax, and Art. 5 of the Federal Law on Withholding Tax.
No payment will be made on registered shares held by Repower AG on the due date. This may reduce the actual distribution accordingly.
Provided the annual general meeting passes this motion, the dividend paid from capital reserves will be due on 24 May 2022.
Poschiavo, 30 March 2022
For the Board of Directors:

Dr Monika Krüsi
Chair of the board of directors