Board of directors*
Members of the board of directors are elected to serve until the 2018 annual general meeting.

Dr Pierin Vincenz (b. 1956)
Swiss citizen; Dr. oec. HSG
Chairman of the board of directors
Member of the board since 2016
Professional career
- Swiss Trust Company, St. Gallen (1979–82)
- Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC), general management of Global Treasury in Zurich, afterwards vice director of Swiss Bank Corporation O’Connor Services L.P. in Chicago (1986–90)
- Vice president and treasurer of Hunter Douglas (1991–96)
- Member of the executive board and CFO of Raiffeisen Group (1996–99)
- Chairman of the executive board of Raiffeisen Bank Schweiz (1999–2015)
- Chairman of the boards of directors of Vincenz Management AG and Plozza Vini SA.
- Member of the board of directors of Bergbahnen Brigels-Waltensburg-Andiast AG
- Other mandates for charitable foundations and institutions

Peter Eugster (b. 1958)
Swiss citizen; EMBA, HWV degree in business and economics
Vice-chairman of the board of directors, member of the audit committee of the board of directors
Member of the board since 2016
Professional career
- Assistant in auditing and tax consulting at Füllemann & Dr. Rauber AG (1982–84)
- Accounting manager at Johnson Wax AG (1984–87)
- Controller at Sullana AG (1987–89)
- Finance & HR director at Sullana AG (1989–97)
- Finance director at P.J. Carroll & Co. Ltd., Dublin (1997–2000)
- CFO at Ascom Systec AG (2000–04)
- CFO of Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich (since 2004)
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Chairman of the boards of directors of Certum Sicherheit AG, EKZ Renewables AG and Enpuls AG
- Member of the board of directors of BSU Bank Genossenschaft
- Trustee of PKE Vorsorgestiftung Energie

Dr Urs Rengel (b. 1962)
Swiss citizen; Dr. sc. techn., Dipl. El. Ing. ETHZ, Executive MBA
University of St. Gallen
Chairman of the personnel committee of the board of directors
Member of the board since 2016
Professional career
Brugg Kabel AG:
- Project manager and research assistant (1990–95)
- Head of test laboratories (1995–97)
- Head of development and high voltage accessories profit centre (1997–2000)
Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich:
- Head of grid and member of the extended executive board (2000–01)
- Head of energy distribution and member of the executive board (2001–03)
- CFO of Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich (since 2004)
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Chairman of electrosuisse – Association for Electrical Engineering, Power and Information Technologies
- Member of the management board of the Association of Swiss Electricity Companies (VSE)
- Member of the boards of directors of Kernkraftwerk Gösgen Däniken AG and Gruner AG

Dr Martin Schmid (b. 1969)
Swiss citizen; Dr. iur. HSG, lawyer
Member of the audit committee of the board of directors
Member of the board since 2008
Professional career
- Assistant at the Institute for Financial Science and Financial Law/IFF,
University of St. Gallen, part-time positions with PricewaterhouseCoopers and part-time independent lawyer (1997–2002) - Member of the cantonal executive council, head of the Department of Justice, Security and Health (2003–08)
- Head of the Department of Finance and Municipalities (2008–11)
- Lawyer with Kunz Schmid, lawyers and notaries, Chur
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Chairman of the boards of directors of Engadiner Kraftwerke AG, Elettricità Industriale SA, Calanda Kies und Beton Gruppe
- Chairman of the Swiss Gas Industry Association (VSG) and Entwicklung Schweiz
- Chairman of the board of trustees and board of directors of the Cantonal Hospital of Graubünden
- Member of the boards of directors of Fontavis AG, UBS Clean Energy Infrastructure Switzerland AG, Swissgas AG and Siegfried AG
Permanent positions with important interest groups
- Member of the executive committee of economiesuisse
Official functions and political offices
- Member of the Swiss Council of States for Canton Graubünden

Claudio Lardi (b. 1955)
Swiss citizen; lic. iur., lawyer
Member of the personnel committee of the board of directors
Member of the board since 2011
Professional career
- Member of the executive council of Canton Graubünden (1999–2010)
- Lawyer
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Member of the board of directors of Oleodotto del Reno SA
Permanent positions with important interest groups
- Member for Switzerland of the Consulta Culturale Italia Svizzera
- Chairman of Caritas Graubünden
- Chairman of the Board of Education of the Education Centre for Health and Social Affairs, Chur
- Chairman of historic RhB

Roland Leuenberger (b. 1968)
Swiss citizen; lic. oec. publ.
Chairman of the audit committee of the board of directors
Member of the board since 2016
Professional career
- Various management roles at UBS AG (1996–2003)
- UBS AG, head of finance & controlling, Wealth Management International (2004–06)
- CEO of Co-Investor AG (2007–08)
- Partner and member of the executive board of Fontavis AG (since 2011)
- Partner and member of the executive board of EVU Partners AG (since 2010)
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Chairman of the board of directors of EVU Partners AG
- Vice-chairman of the board of directors of Fontavis AG
- Member of the boards of directors of UBS Clean Energy Infrastructure Switzerland AG and Hydroelectra AG

Rolf W. Mathis (b. 1956)
Swiss citizen; dipl. Masch.-Ing. ETH, Wirtsch.-Ing. STV
Member of the personnel committee of the board of directors
Member of the board since 2003
Professional career
- BBC (ABB), design engineer (1979–82)
- Defence Services Group, project engineer and section head (1982–87)
- Various positions at Von Roll Betec AG, latterly as head of business unit (1990–98)
- Member of the executive board of Axpo Power AG and head of the hydroenergy division (1998–2015)
- Senior Manager at Axpo Power AG
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Chairman of the boards of directors of Maggia Kraftwerke AG, Kraftwerke Sarganserland AG (KSL), Kraftwerke Linth-Limmern AG (KLL), Albula-Landwasser Kraftwerke AG, Misoxer Kraftwerke AG and Kraftwerke Mattmark AG
- Member of the boards of directors of Blenio Kraftwerke AG, Grande Dixence SA and Force Motrice de Mauvoisin SA
*Details of mandates are correct as of 31 December 2017.