Overview of the year

LAMBRO provides sterling service


With Repower’s LAMBRO cargo bike, there’s always a way through the city. Young entrepreneurs and social organisations enjoy the benefits.

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Cargo bikes like our LAMBRO symbolise the shift towards a more sustainable and socially responsible future.

The Eurobike trade fair in Frankfurt is experiencing a veritable boom in cargo bikes. This innovative form of sustainable transport is an expression of the desire for a better quality of life in cities. In Italy, however, sales of cargo bikes aren’t yet as high as in other countries in northern Europe. This prompted Repower Italia to think laterally to find an efficient and unusual way of promoting the LAMBRO.

“The decisive factor for the LAMBRO team is the idea, widespread at Repower, that a company’s profits should express broader value. There’s a term for it in Italian: ‘utile’ is synonymous with healthy, useful and worthwhile.”

This is how conversations and discussions gave rise to the idea of using the LAMBRO for concrete exercises matching the spirit of Repower. It led, for example, to collaboration with Progetto Arca, whose employees use our LAMBROs to bring hot meals to the homeless. We also work with So.De., a group of young entrepreneurs who deliver their goods around the city exclusively using our cargo bikes.

Cargo bikes are a symbol of the shift towards a more sustainable and socially responsible future, a theme that runs through all our activities and the way we work.

Sebastiano di Carlo

Head of Sales Product Development, Repower Italia
