Board of directors*

Members of the board of directors are elected to serve until the 2024 annual general meeting.
* Details of mandates are correct as of 31 December 2023.

Dr Monika Krüsi (b. 1962)
Swiss and Italian citizen; PhD in business informatics, lic. oec. publ., University of Zurich
Chair of the board of directors
Member of the board of directors since 2018
Professional career
- Partner at management consultant MKP Consulting AG (since 2003)
- Partner at Venture Incubator Partners AG (2001–03)
- Associate partner at McKinsey & Company responsible for clients in the industrial and transport sectors, focusing on growth, innovation and repositioning (1991–2001)
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Member of the board of directors of Burckhardt Compression AG, Energie 360° and Accelleron Industries AG
- Member of the boards of trustees of the Ernst Göhner Foundation in Zug and Technorama Swiss Science Center in Winterthur
- Member of the advisory board of the University of Lucerne

Peter Eugster (b. 1958)
Swiss citizen; EMBA, HWV degree in business and economics
Vice chair of the board of directors
Chair of the audit committee of the board of directors
Member of the board of directors since 2016
Professional career
- Interest management (since 2021)
- CFO of Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich (2004–21)
- CFO at Ascom Systec AG (2000–04)
- Finance director at P.J. Carroll & Co. Ltd., Dublin (1997–2000)
- Finance & HR director at Sullana AG (1989–97)
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Chair of the board of directors of Bank BSU Genossenschaft
- Vice chair of the board of directors of Primeo Energie AG

Dr Urs Rengel (b. 1962)
Swiss citizen; Dr. sc. techn., Dipl. El. Ing. ETHZ, Executive MBA University of St. Gallen
Member of the personnel committee of the board of directors
Member of the board of directors since 2016
Professional career
- CEO of Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich (since 2004)
Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich:
- Head of energy distribution and member of the executive board (2001–03)
- Head of grid and member of the extended executive board (2000–01)
Brugg Kabel AG:
- Head of development and high voltage accessories profit centre (1997–2000)
- Head of test laboratories (1995–97)
- Project manager and research assistant (1990–95)
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Chair of the board of directors of EKZ Renewables AG
- Member of the boards of directors of EKZ Eltop AG, Kernkraftwerk Gösgen Däniken AG and Gruner AG
Permanent positions with important interest groups
- Member of the executive of Regiogrid (sub-association of the VSE)

Barbara Janom Steiner (b. 1963)
Swiss citizen; lic. iur., University of Zurich, lawyer, Executive MBA, University of St. Gallen
Member of the audit committee of the board of directors
Member of the board of directors since 2023
Professional career
- President of the Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank (president since 2019, member since 2015)
- Member of the Executive Council of Canton Graubünden (2008–18)
- Independent lawyer (1995–2008)
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Vice-chair of the board of directors of Gesundheit Arosa AG
- Member of the boards of directors of Corvatsch AG, Diavolezza Lagalb AG, Grand Hotels Engadinerkulm und Holding and Arosa Bergbahnen AG
- Honorary member of the boards of trustees of Stiftung Georg Aliesch Davaz, Fotostiftung Graubünden, Fundaziun Medias Rumantschas and Stiftung Manufactura Tessanda Val Müstair

Giovanni Jochum (b. 1964)
Swiss citizen; lic. oec. HSG University of St. Gallen
Member of the personnel committee of the board of directors
Member of the board of directors since 2023
Professional career
- Podestà of the municipality of Poschiavo
- Co-owner and chairman of the board of directors of PKF Bernina AG
- Various management positions at Kraftwerke Brusio AG (from 2010 Repower AG), from 2000 Head of Market Division, member of the Executive Board of Repower Group (1993–2016)
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Member of the boards of directors of Rhiienergie AG, Officine Idroelettriche di Mesolcina SA and Precis Engadin AG
- President of the board of trustees of Centro Sanitario Valposchiavo**
- Member of the board of trustees of Fondo Solidarietà Poschiavina**
Permanent positions with important interest groups
- Executive of the Graubünden Chamber of Commerce and employers’ association
- Vice-president of the Conferenza dei Sindaci Regione Bernina**
- Member of the Management Committee of the Institute for Operations Research and Computational Finance, University of St. Gallen
Official functions and political offices
- Member of the Graubünden cantonal parliament
**Mandates in connection with the role of podestà of the municipality of Poschiavo

Beat Huber (b. 1973)
Swiss citizen; lic. rer. pol., University of Basel
Chair of the personnel committee of the board of directors
Member of the audit committee of the board of directors
Member of the board of directors since 2020
Professional career
- Head Clean Energy and Infrastructure Switzerland at Swiss Life Asset Management AG
- Founding partner and member of the executive board of Fontavis AG (since 2011)
- Founding partner and member of the executive board of EVU Partners AG (since 2010)
- CFO of IWB (2005–10)
- Head of finance and corporate development at IWB (2004–05)
- Corporate controller at IWB (2003–04)
- Consultant at Senergy AG (1999–2003)
Other activities and functions
Positions on boards of major corporations, organisations and foundations
- Chair of the board of directors of Eniwa AG
- Member of the boards of directors of WWZ Holding AG, WWZ Netze AG, WWZ Energie AG, AVAG AG, SonnenPool AG, Herzog und Kull Gruppe, Climatch AG, EWA energieUri AG and EVU Partners AG
- Member of the board of directors and chair of the audit committee of Aventron AG