Other activities
Repower has been awarded the “Great place to start” label indicating that it’s one of best places in Switzerland to do an apprenticeship. The label is conferred on the basis of a unique certification procedure taking equal account of the company’s training concept and feedback from apprentices. Repower consciously endeavours to promote and develop young professionals and tradespeople so that it has a pool of well-trained and motivated staff to draw on in the future. The ways the company pursues this goal include a specially designed communications campaign.
The Association of Swiss Electricity Companies (VSE) honours longstanding employees
At its traditional anniversary of service celebration at the Ebianum in Fisibach, the VSE honoured 145 longstanding employees for their contribution to assuring a secure supply of electricity to Switzerland. They included Repower men Paul Manetsch and Josef (Sepp) Janett, both of whom celebrated 25 years of service. Others who can look back on 25 years in the service of the electricity industry are Mauro Balsarini, Ilario Costa, Peter Jäger, Caterina Pagnoncini, Michele Sala, Marco Schröttenthaler and Paolo Zanetti.