
9 Disclosures of interests in other entities (IFRS 12)

Type of interest and number

  31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Subsidiaries 46 47
of which domestic 14 15
of which foreign 32 32
Associates 6 5
of which domestic 4 3
of which foreign 2 2
Joint operations 1 1
of which domestic 1 1
of which foreign 0 0


List of fully consolidated companies as at 31 December 2013 and 2012

Company Head office Currency Issued capital Holding 31.12.2013 Holding 31.12.2012 Purpose
Repower AG Poschiavo CHF 3,408,115 - - H/G/E
Repower Klosters AG Klosters CHF 16,000,000 99.94% 99.88% C/G
Repower Ilanz AG Ilanz CHF 250,000 99.66% 95.63% C/G
aurax connecta ag Ilanz CHF 100,000 99.66% 95.63% S
Repower Holding Surselva AG Waltensburg CHF 5,000,000 99.66% 95.63% H
Ovra electrica Ferrera SA Trun CHF 3,000,000 48.83% 46.86% G
Vulcanus Projekt AG Poschiavo CHF 100,000 60.00% 60.00% PC
SWIBI AG Landquart CHF 500,000 76.68% 99.18% S
Repower Immobilien AG Poschiavo CHF 50,000 100.00% 100.00% RE
Repower Consulta AG Ilanz CHF 700,000 99.66% 95.63% RE
Alvezza SA in Liquidation Disentis CHF 500,000 61.79% 59.29% RE
Elbe Beteiligungs AG Poschiavo CHF 1,000,000 100.00% 100.00% H
Lagobianco SA Poschiavo CHF 1,000,000 100.00% 100.00% PC
Repartner Produktions AG Poschiavo CHF 20,000,000 59.00% 59.00% G/PC
Elbe Finance Holding GmbH & Co KG Dortmund EUR 25,000 100.00% 100.00% H
Elbe Finance Holding Verwaltungs-GmbH Dortmund EUR 25,000 100.00% 100.00% H
Repower Deutschland GmbH Dortmund EUR 25,000 100.00% 100.00% C
Repower Wind Deutschland GmbH Dortmund EUR 25,000 59.00% 59.00% H
Repower Wind Prettin GmbH Dortmund EUR 25,000 59.00% 59.00% G
Repower Wind Lübbenau GmbH Dortmund EUR 25,000 59.00% 59.00% G
Repower GuD Leverkusen Verwaltungs-GmbH Dortmund EUR 25,000 100.00% 100.00% H
Repower GuD Leverkusen GmbH & Co. KG Dortmund EUR 25,000 100.00% 100.00% PC
Repower Holding Italia S.p.A. Milan EUR 55,838,568 100.00% 100.00% H
Repower Italia S.p.A. Milan EUR 2,000,000 100.00% 100.00% E
Repower Vendita Italia S.p.A. Milan EUR 4,000,000 100.00% 100.00% C
Repower Produzione Italia S.p.A. Milan EUR 120,000 100.00% 100.00% H
SET S.p.A. Milan EUR 120,000 61.00% 61.00% G
Energia Sud S.r.l. Milan EUR 1,500,000 100.00% 100.00% G
SEA S.p.A. Milan EUR 120,000 100.00% 100.00% PC
REC S.r.l. Milan EUR 10,000 100.00% 100.00% PC
MERA S.r.l. Milan EUR 100,000 100.00% 100.00% PC
SEI S.p.A. Milan EUR 120,000 57.50% 57.50% PC
Immobiliare Saline S.r.l. Milan EUR 10,000 100.00% 100.00% RE
REV S.r.l. Milan EUR 10,000 100.00% 100.00% S
Forze Motrici Pistoia S.r.l. Milan EUR 13,466 100.00% 100.00% H
Energia Eolica Pontremoli S.r.l. Milan EUR 50,000 100.00% 100.00% PC
Company Head office Currency Issued capital Holding 31.12.2013 Holding 31.12.2012 Purpose
Repower Trading Česká republika s.r.o. Prague CZK 3,000,000 100.00% 100.00% E
S.C. Repower Vanzari Romania S.R.L. Bucharest RON 165,000 100.00% 100.00% E
Repower Magyarország Kft. Budapest HUF 50,000,000 100.00% 100.00% E
Repower Serbia d.o.o. Beograd Belgrade RSD 20,000 100.00% 100.00% E
Repower Macedonia DOOEL Skopje Skopje MKD 19,970 100.00% 100.00% E
Repower Slovenskà republika s.r.o. Bratislava EUR 49,791 100.00% 100.00% E
Repower Polska Sp. z.o.o. Warsaw PLN 75,000 100.00% 100.00% E
Repower Adria d.o.o Sarajevo BAM 1,000,000 100.00% 100.00% E
Repower Hrvatska d.o.o. Zagreb HRK 366,000 100.00% 100.00% E
Repower Furnizare România S.r.l. Bucharest RON 45,510,000 100.00% 100.00% E


E Energy business C Customer (supply/sales) RE Real estate GC Grid company

G Generation H Holding or purchase rights S Services PC Project company

The date of the financial statements of the subsidiaries on which the Group financial statements are based is consistent with the date of the consolidated financial statements.

Ovra electrica Ferrera SA, Trun, is a power plant company in which the local community holds a 51 per cent stake. The Repower Group bears full operating responsibility for this company via Repower Holding Surselva AG, and sells 100 per cent of the energy generated on the market. The Repower Group therefore exercises overall control; hence Ovra electrica Ferrera SA is fully consolidated.

Changes in the ownership interests without loss of control

Repower sold 22.5 per cent of its shares in the subsidiary SWIBI AG in the 2013 financial year. It also acquired minority interests in Repower Klosters AG and Repower Holding Surselva AG, which were covered in part by treasury shares. The net cash outflow of TCHF 1,412 is offset against the minority interests totalling TCHF -5,288 and outgoing treasury shares in the amount of TCHF 1. The difference was allocated to the majority shareholder's capital.

In the 2012 financial year, Repower sold another 6 per cent of its shares in Repartner Produktions AG to third-party energy supply companies and adjusted the previous purchase price of the shares. The net cash inflow of TCHF 4,900 was offset against the minority interests of TCHF 4,572. The difference was allocated to the majority shareholder's capital.

Consequences of the loss of subsidiary control

On 3 January 2013 Repower sold Repower Transportnetz AG to Swissgrid AG. The resulting profit/loss is zero. The transaction is described in Note 26. The following overview provides information on the subsidiaries with significant minority interests:

Key figures for subsidiaries with significant minority interests

  2013 2012
  SET S.p.A. SET S.p.A.
Minority interest 39% 39%
Balance sheet at 31.12.    
Non-current assets 214,944 252,772
Current assets 28,023 32,135
Non-current financial liabilities -95,070 -110,946
Other non-current liabilities -1,811 -1,637
Current financial liabilities -30,078 -24,114
Other current liabilities -42,542 -46,680
Share of equity attributable to Repower shareholders and participants -44,814 -61,933
Share of equity attributable to minority interests -28,652 -39,597
Income statement    
Revenue 88,475 162,504
Expense -118,936 -162,815
Share of Group profit attributable to Repower shareholders and participants -18,581 -190
Share of Group profit attributable to minority interests -11,880 -121
Share of profit or loss and other comprehensive income attributable to Repower shareholders and participants 1,463 -34
Share of profit or loss and other comprehensive income attributable to minority interests 935 -22
Share of profit or loss and comprehensive income attributable to Repower shareholders and participants -17,118 -224
Share of profit or loss and comprehensive income attributable to minority interests -10,945 -143
Dividends payment to minority interest - -
Cash flow from operating activities 17,587 -1,772
Cash flow from investing activities -3,217 -851
Cash flow from financing activities -11,080 -207
Total cash flow 3,290 -2,830


Partner plants classified as associates are listed under associated partner plants. The other holdings categorised as associates form the group other associates. Both classes are accounted for using the equity method.

Associates partner plants Head office Currency Issued capital Holding Closing date Purpose
AKEB Aktiengesellschaft für Kernenergie-Beteiligungen Lucerne CHF 90 000 000 7.00% 31.12. H
Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG Thusis CHF 100 000 000 6.50% 30.09. G
Other associates Head office Currency Issued capital Holding Closing date Purpose
EL.IT.E. S.p.A. Milan EUR 3 888 500 46.55% 31.12. GC
Aerochetto S.r.l. Catania EUR 2,000,000 39.00% 31.12. G
Rhiienergie AG Tamins CHF 915,000 21.73% 31.12. C
Swisscom Energy Solutions AG Ittigen CHF 3,969,728 35.00% 31.12. S


G Generation H Holding or purchase rights C Customer (supply/sales)

GC Grid company S Services

Repower's holdings in the AKEB and KHR partner plants only amount to 7 per cent and 6.5 per cent respectively. It does, however, have the binding right of nomination of a mandate and can make use of this guaranteed seat on the Board of Directors to be involved in the financial and business policy decision-making processes of the partner plants.

Investments in associates changed as follows:

Investments in associates

  2013 2012
Carrying amounts at 1 January 39,702 39,317
Investments 1,741 332
Dividends -664 -260
Effect of currency translations 205 -79
Share of the result -2,654 473
Actuarial profit/loss 338 -81
Carrying amounts at 31 December 38,668 39,702

Repower acquired 35 per cent of Swisscom Energy Solutions AG during the year. The Swisscom subsidiary has developed an innovative solution for intelligent and sustainable electricity consumption management.

The key figures for both partner plants classified as associates are shown individually, while the key figures of other associates are presented together.

Key figures for associates partner plants

  2013 2012 2013 2012
    Restated   Restated
  Gross values Gross values Repower's share Repower's share
Balance sheet at 31.12.        
Current assets 899,188 866,138 60,895 58,752
Non-current assets 101,499 113,801 6,723 7,750
Pension provisions -13,610 -12,933 -885 -842
Non-current financial liabilities -475,000 -405,000 -31,775 -27,150
Other non-current liabilities -80,342 -82,847 -5,624 -5,799
Current financial liabilities -15,005 -75,000 -1,000 -5,200
Other current liabilities -80,590 -62,840 -5,389 -4,160
Income statement        
Revenue 333,473 328,853 22,954 22,678
Expense -263,349 -244,191 -18,197 -16,881
Depreciation and impairments -68,116 -65,696 -4,688 -4,512
Interest income 6,201 6,169 422 420
Interest expense -12,555 -12,169 -841 -821
Income taxes -2,805 -3,105 -183 -203
Gain or loss -7,151 9,861 -533 681
Other comprehensive income -5,199 -1,236 -338 -81
Comprehensive income -12,350 8,625 -871 600

Key figures for other associates

  2013 2012 2013 2012
    Restated   Restated
  Gross values Gross values Repower's share Repower's share
Balance sheet at 31.12.        
Non-current assets 106,897 105,195 38,805 38,549
Current assets 26,679 28,389 9,716 10,354
Non-current liabilities -58,707 -63,598 -21,816 -24,126
Current liabilities -27,691 -20,926 -10,982 -8,426
Income statement        
Revenue 25,136 29,336 7,789 9,793
Expense -31,337 -30,262 -9,910 -10,001
Gain or loss -6,201 -926 -2,121 -208
Other comprehensive income - - - -
Comprehensive income -6,201 -926 -2,121 -208
Joint operations Head office Currency Issued capital Holding Closing date Purpose
Grischelectra AG Chur CHF 1,000,000 (20 % paid in) 11.00% 30.09. H


H Holding or purchase rights

Grischelectra AG is classified as a joint arrangement. The company's business is selling electricity procurement rights. Based on the interest of 11 per cent and other votes granted through a guaranteed proxy, Repower manages the company together with the Canton of Graubünden. Repower procures 100 per cent of the energy bundled in Grischelectra AG from hydropower in return for reimbursement of the generation costs. From an economic perspective, Repower is indirectly responsible for Grischelectra's liabilities. The holding in Grischelectra was classified as a joint operation. In contrast to the shares held, Repower includes 100 per cent of the company assets, debts, expenses and earnings in its consolidated financial statements.