
25 Additional disclosures on financial instruments

25 Additional disclosures on financial instruments
  31.12.2013 31.12.2012
  Carrying amount Carrying amount
Derivative financial instruments 124,185 138,612
Held for trading 124,185 138,612
Forward foreign currency contracts 3 -
Energy trading transactions 123,884 138,612
Interest rate swaps 298 -
Non-derivative financial instruments 860,999 807,218
Loans and receivables 832,395 800,291
Active loans 33,688 5,787
Receivables 525,178 532,371
Trade accounts receivables 454,876 456,007
Other receivables 55,253 52,656
Current income tax receivables 15,049 23,708
Prepaid expenses and accrued income 536 -
Cash and cash equivalents 272,993 262,133
Held for trading 189 205
Shares, bonds, other securities 189 205
Available for sale 28,415 6,722
Other financial assets 28,415 6,722
At 31.12. 985,184 945,830
  31.12.2013 31.12.2012
  Carrying amount Carrying amount
Derivative financial instruments 111,115 141,088
Held for trading 110,904 139,820
Forward foreign currency contracts 101 600
Energy trading transactions 104,239 126,024
Interest rate swaps 6,564 13,196
Hedge accounting 211 1,268
Interest rate swaps 211 1,268
Non-derivative financial instruments 1,016,832 1,059,274
Other financial liabilities 1,016,832 1,059,274
Bank loans and mortgages, other 521,557 544,564
Current financial liabilities 31,638 28,041
Liabilities for financial leasing 642 1,106
Other current liabilities 422,698 449,129
Trade accounts payable 365,217 380,866
Other liabilities 57,481 68,263
Accrued expenses 40,297 36,434
At 31.12. 1,127,947 1,200,362

The carrying amount of each financial instrument represents a reasonable estimate for the fair value with the exception of the following positions:

  31.12.2013 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2012
  Carrying amount Fair value Carrying amount Fair value
Loans, other non current financial liabilities (incl. long term leasing) 521,841 544,733 545,232 603,199

Measurement hierarchy

Measurements at fair value in the balance sheet are classified using a three-level hierarchy based on the type and quality of the fair values (market prices). The following levels exist:

Level 1: Publicly quoted market prices for the respective financial instrument (e.g. stock market prices).

Level 2: Market prices that are not generally accessible and possibly derived from prices for similar financial instruments or underlying goods.

Level 3: Prices that are not based on market data

Fair value hierarchy

Recurring measurement of

  31.12.2013 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Derivative financial instruments 124,185 19 124,166 -
Held for trading 124,185 19 124,166 -
Forward foreign currency contracts 3 - 3 -
Energy trading transactions 123,884 19 123,865 -
Interest rate swaps 298 - 298 -
Non-derivative financial instruments 189 - 189 -
Shares, bonds, other securities 189 - 189 -

Recurring measurement of

  31.12.2013 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Derivative financial instruments 111,115 - 111,115 -
Forward foreign currency contracts 101 - 101 -
Energy trading transactions 104,239 - 104,239 -
Interest rate swaps 6,775 - 6,775 -
Hedge accounting 211 - 211 -
Speculative 6,564 - 6,564 -
Financial instruments that are not measured at fair value 544,733 - 544,733 -
Loans 544,733 - 544,733 -

There are currently no indications for a one-time measurement of a fair value.

In the Repower Group, transfers of positions measured at fair value to and from a level generally take place at the end of the period. There were no transfers between levels at the end of 2013. There were no changes in the measurement methods nor were positions measured at fair value shifted within the individual categories.

Change in positions reported under assets

Forward exchange transactions and interest rate swaps under the group of derivative financial instruments as well as shares, bonds, other securities under the group of non-derivative financial instruments are components of the balance sheet position “securities and other financial instruments”. The energy trading transactions under the group of derivative financial instruments correspond to the balance sheet position “positive replacement values held-for-trading positions”.

Change in positions reported under liabilities

Forward exchange transactions and interest rate swaps under the group of derivative financial instruments are components of the balance sheet positions “non-current financial liabilities” and “current financial liabilities”. The energy trading transactions under the group of derivative financial instruments correspond to the balance sheet position “negative replacement values held-for-trading positions”. Loans and leasing commitments under the group of financial instruments that are not measured at fair value are components of the balance sheet position “non-current financial liabilities”.

Basic measurement methods and assumptions

Fair values are determined by applying standard market measurement methods taking into account the market data available on the measurement date. The measurement methods and assumptions used to calculate fair values are as follows:

The price curves of the last trading day for the various products and maturities on stock exchanges or with brokers are incorporated into the measurement of the energy trading transactions (positive/negative replacement values of the held-for-trading positions) classified as Level 1 and 2. The replacement value is the difference in price compared to the closing price.

Observable currency curves of active markets are incorporated into the fair value measurement of forward exchange transactions. Interest differences between individual currencies are taken into account when determining the fair value.

Observable yield curves of active markets are incorporated into the fair value measurement of interest rate swaps.

A present value calculation is used to determine the fair value of the non-current loan. Observable capital market rates of active markets are used as input parameters and increased by Repower's observable credit risk. Loans in euros are converted to Swiss francs at the closing rate.

The table below shows the financial assets that were netted as well as enforceable global netting agreements and similar agreements:

  31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
  Receivables / other current liabilities Receivables / other current liabilities Positive / negative replacement values Positive / negative replacement values
Gross amount of financial assets before offsetting 869,174 775,391 344,605 454,847
Gross amount of financial liabilities that have been offset with financial assets in the balance sheet -359,045 -266,729 -220,721 -316,235
Net amount of financial assets in the balance sheet 510,129 508,662 123,884 138,612
Gross amounts that have led to no netting with financial assets (financial instruments and cash collateral received) - - - -
Net amount 510,129 508,662 123,884 138,612
  31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
  Other current liabilities / receivables Other current liabilities / receivables Negative / positive replacement values Negative / positive replacement values
Gross amount of financial liabilities before offsetting -781,743 -715,858 -324,960 -442,259
Gross amount of financial assets that have been offset with financial liabilities in the balance sheet 359,045 266,729 220,721 316,235
Net amount of financial liabilities in the balance sheet -422,698 -449,129 -104,239 -126,024
Gross amounts that have led to no netting with financial liabilities (financial instruments and cash collateral received) - - - -
Net amount -422,698 -449,129 -104,239 -126,024