
18 Pension fund obligation

Repower operates defined benefit plans, with the two main plans established in Switzerland. On the balance sheet date, employees in Switzerland were members of the legally independent pension funds PKE Pensionskasse Energie Genossenschaft or PKE Vorsorgestiftung Energie. Both are pension funds within the meaning of the Federal Law on Occupational Pensions for Old Age, Survivors and Disability (BVG). The law governs the benefits employees are entitled to as well as the organisation and financing of pension funds. Both funds aim to provide occupational pensions for employees of the affiliated companies and their family members and survivors that cover the economic consequences of old age, disability and death. PKE Pensionskasse Energie Genossenschaft is a defined benefit plan and PKE Vorsorgestiftung a defined contribution plan in Switzerland in accordance with the BVG. Under the defined benefit plan, benefits paid out in the case of an insured event are defined in advance based on the insured's insured salary. Under the defined contribution plan, the benefits paid out in the case of an insured event are based on the insured's contributions plus interest.

An equal number of employer and employee representatives make up the governing bodies of the two funds. The Board of Directors or Board of Trustees of the respective fund defines each fund's goals and principles as well as regulates and monitors investments (investment strategy, investment policy, investment guidelines). The financial interests of the insureds assume top priority in the management of fund assets. Assets must be managed in accordance with the respective investment regulations so as to guarantee the timely payment of benefits and compliance with the fund's investment risk limits.

In the event of any necessary restructuring measures, the companies determine the interest rate and shortfall contributions to be paid together with their insureds. The contribution of the companies must be at least as high as the sum of the contributions of the insureds. Both the defined benefit and defined contribution plans within the meaning of the BVG represent defined benefit plans under IFRS. The probability and scope of any restructuring measures as a result of a plan shortfall can be reduced in the defined contribution plan (in accordance with BVG) by lowering the interest rate applied to the capital accrued by beneficiaries. This is not possible, however, under a defined benefit plan (in accordance with BVG). The underperformance of fund assets is detrimental to the pension fund and hence its contribution margin.

Repower is exposed to various risks in connection with defined benefit plans, with longevity risk, interest rate risk, capital market/investment risk playing a key role.

The defined contribution plan operated by PKE Vorsorgestiftung Energie will pay out pensions in two parts with effect from 1 January 2014: 90 per cent of the pension will be guaranteed as a basic pension and 10 per cent as a variable pension, depending on PKE's coverage ratio. If the coverage ratio is below 90 per cent, only the basic pension will be paid out. If the coverage ratio is higher than 120 per cent, the target pension will be increased by a maximum of 10 per cent. The variable component will be redefined each year and be valid for an entire year. This rule makes it possible for future retirees to also contribute to eliminating a potential coverage shortfall. They can, however, also participate in a positive development.

Changes to the plans adopted in the 2013 financial year resulted in income from past service costs (gain due to plan changes) in the amount of TCHF 12,313, which had to be recognised directly in profit or loss. The shift from the defined benefit pension plan with PKE Pensionskasse Energie Genossenschaft to the defined contribution pension plan with PKE Vorsorgestiftung Energie gives rise to gains totalling TCHF 10,512 due to pension plan changes. The reduction in the conversion rates applied to defined contribution plans results in gains due to pension plan changes totalling TCHF 1,801.

The following table provides an overview of the balances recognised in relation to the pension plans in the consolidated financial statements:

2013 Swiss pension plans Italian pension plans Total
Fair value of plan assets 164,795 - 164,795
Present value of funded obligations -187,979 - -187,979
Deficit of funded plans -23,184 - -23,184
Present value of unfunded obligations - -3,522 -3,522
Total of defined benefit pension plans -23,184 -3,522 -26,706
Current service cost (Personnel expenses) -6,652 -470 -7,122
Administration cost -204 - -204
Interest cost -710 -132 -842
Gain from plan change 12,313 - 12,313
Income statement charge 4,747 -602 4,145
Other comprehensive income 6,965 39 7,004
2012 Restated Swiss pension plans Italian pension plans Total
Fair value of plan assets 159,377 - 159,377
Present value of funded obligations -197,732 - -197,732
Deficit of funded plans -38,355 - -38,355
Present value of unfunded obligations - -2,980 -2,980
Total of defined benefit pension plans -38,355 -2,980 -41,335
Current service cost (Personnel expenses) -5,575 -492 -6,067
Administration cost -214 - -214
Interest cost -1,003 -111 -1,114
Income statement charge -6,792 -603 -7,395
Other comprehensive income 7,171 -93 7,078

The present value of the defined benefit obligation of the Swiss pension plans is broken down as follows into the individual groups of pension beneficiaries:

  2013 2012
Swiss pension plans    
Active members 120,183 130,038
Pensioners 67,796 67,694
Total Present value of obligation 187,979 197,732

All pension commitments are vested.

The weighted average term of the defined benefit pension obligation under the defined benefit and defined contribution plans total 13.9 years (previous year 16.3 years) at 31 December 2013.

The investment strategy is based on the results of an asset & liability analysis. The following table provides a breakdown of the plan assets and strategy of the investment portfolio:

  Quoted market prices in active markets Prices in non active markets Total in % Strategy in %
Cash and cash equivalents 6,313 - 6,313 4.00% 2.00%
Debt instruments 48,529 - 48,529 30.00% 31.00%
Equity instruments 61,188 - 61,188 37.00% 42.00%
Real estate 8,400 23,481 31,881 19.00% 14.00%
Other 294 16,590 16,884 10.00% 11.00%
Total 124,724 40,071 164,795 100.00% 100.00%
  Quoted market prices in active markets Prices in non active markets Total in % Strategy in %
Cash and cash equivalents 3,774 - 3,774 3.00% 2.00%
Debt instruments 46,024 - 46,024 29.00% 31.00%
Equity instruments 62,370 - 62,370 39.00% 42.00%
Real estate 9,034 21,742 30,776 19.00% 14.00%
Other 495 15,938 16,433 10.00% 11.00%
Total 121,697 37,680 159,377 100.00% 100.00%

Fluctuations in pension provisions with separate reconciliation statements for the plan assets and the present value of the defined benefit obligation are shown in the table below:

  Present value of obligation Fair value of plan assets Total
At 1 January 2012 -185,072 139,978 -45,094
Current service cost -6,067 - -6,067
Administration cost - -214 -214
Interest expenses/income -4,441 3,327 -1,114
Income statement -10,508 3,113 -7,395
Return on plan assets, excluding amounts included in interest expense/income - 13,111 13,111
Actuarial gain/losses from changes in demographic assumptions -   -
Actuarial gain/losses from changes in financial assumptions -6,342   -6,342
Experience gains/losses 309   309
Other comprehensive income -6,033 13,111 7,078
Exchange differences 14   14
Contributions:     -
Employer contributions - 4,062 4,062
Employee contributions -2,487 2,487 -
Benefits paid 3,374 -3,374 -
At 31 December 2012 -200,712 159,377 -41,335
At 1 January 2013 -200,712 159,377 -41,335
Current service cost -7,122 - -7,122
Administration cost - -204 -204
Interest expenses/income -3,715 2,873 -842
Gain from plan change 12,313 - 12,313
Income statement 1,476 2,669 4,145
Return on plan assets, excluding amounts included in interest expense/income - 10,858 10,858
Actuarial gain/losses from changes in demographic assumptions -9,822 - -9,822
Actuarial gain/losses from changes in financial assumptions 10,781 - 10,781
Experience gains/losses -4,813 - -4,813
Other comprehensive income -3,854 10,858 7,004
Exchange differences -44 - -44
Employer contributions - 3,524 3,524
Employee contributions -2,328 2,328 -
Benefits paid 13,961 -13,961 -
At 31 December 2013 -191,501 164,795 -26,706

The key actuarial assumptions are as follows:

  2013 2013 2012 2012
Discount rate 2.20% 4.00% 1.85% 4.00%
Salary growth rate 1.50% (2.50%) 1.50% (2.50%)
Pension growth rate 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Mortality table BVG 2010 GT BVG 2010 GT BVG 2010 (2011 P) BVG 2010 (2011 P)

The average retirement age is 63.

An increase or decline in the key actuarial parameters would affect the present value of the defined benefit obligation at 31 December 2013 as follows:

  Impact on present value of obligation
  Change in assumptions Increase in assumption Decrease in assumption
Discount rate 0.25% -5,922 6,273
Salary growth rate 0.50% 1,423 -1,333

Employer contributions of TCHF 4,104 (previous year: TCHF 3,997) are expected for the 2014 financial year.