
15 Cash and cash equivalents

15 Cash and cash equivalents
  31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Sight deposits 271,259 261,868
Cash invested for less than 90 days 1,734 265
Total 272,993 262,133

All cash and cash equivalents fall into the category loans and receivables and are measured at amortised cost. The average interest rate on CHF-denominated cash and cash equivalents was 0.15 per cent (previous year: 0.3 %) and 0.15 per cent for EUR-denominated cash and cash equivalents (previous year: 0.3 %).

Cash and cash equivalents are held in the following currencies:

  31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Swiss francs 71,053 55,987
Euro (translated) 193,645 204,334
RON (translated) 7,039 203
Other currencies (translated) 1,256 1,609
Total 272,993 262,133

All positions are freely disposable or are due within 90 days. The carrying amounts correspond approximately to the fair values.

Cash and cash equivalents for the cash flow statement

  31.12.2013 31.12.2012
Cash and cash equivalents 272,993 262,133
Cash and cash equivalents held for sale 1) 71 1,015
Negative overdrafts 2) - -2,130
Total 273,064 261,018

1) Cash and cash equivalents held for sale are disclosed under “assets held for sale” (Note 27). These must be added again to cash and cash equivalents for the cash flow statement.

2) Negative overdrafts are liabilities due to banks that are integrated in the payment transactions of the Group companies. These are disclosed under current financial liabilities (Note 22).